In the past few years, we have seen a raise in the use of social media professional networks. They are being utilized by employers and employees alike. So we have jotted down a few pointers that help you make sure that your profile is being noticed by your potential employer.

1. Education and Employment

It’s important to have a complete profile on networks like Linkedin. Make sure you have filled out information like Education and Employment. Education details like your degree, the college you studied in (the university it is affiliated with) and any extra-curricular activities you were involved in can boost your profile. Mention your current company, your designation and your roles and responsibilities clearly.

2. Achievements

Refer your achievements on your profile in a professional way- short and to the point. If you have won/participated in hackathons, code wars, science/maths olympiads and other such contests, you need to update that in your profile. If you were the topper in your college, go ahead and state that too. Think of all your professional/academic achievements and indicate them on your profile.

3. Picture

You should realise that picture is an important part of your profile. It is noted that profiles with pictures attract employers better than a profile with no picture at all. Put up an image of yours that is decent and looks professional. It’s suggested to keep away from images that are too colourful or look facebooky

These are a few of the details you need to keep in mind in order to succeed at being recognised on professional networks.