As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is right. An adequate amount of fun is also required along with work so that one can maintain an active lifestyle even at office!

Organizations should help their employees maintain a healthy work-life balance in order to keep them motivated. Millennials are a bunch of energetic, enthusiastic people who pose a new challenge to the HR professionals by forcing them to find new-fangled ways to retain them in the organization (read

Following are the top 5 reasons why you should incorporate fun at work:

  1. It helps you attract young talent!
  2. It leads to better outcome -productivity and motivation wise.
  3. Play can also improve your optimism and enthusiastic approach towards work. (source)
  4. It helps employees make connections with colleagues and fosters camaraderie among co-workers.
  5. It helps in retaining talent in the organization.

At Wenger and Watson, we believe in maintaining a steady balance of both work and play! We have a lot of indoor activities planned for “Fun Wednesdays!” where we have games, fun activities, movies and much more! Outdoor trips are exemplary, where we plan trips to adventurous places, have fun, perform group activities, bond with colleagues and look out for each other(most importantly)! It gives a fresh outlook to everyone when they come back to work! We recently had a trip to Kunti Betta (check it out here..)

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